4 votes 4.8/5

Geometry Dash Shred


Geometry Dash Shred is rated 6 stars for difficulty in the custom geometry series. Although it's designed by a player, the challenges are extremely interesting.

Introducing This Custom Version

As you can know, this game series is popular all over the world and there are millions of searches for this game genre. Players are fascinated by the game's graphics, gameplay, effects, and challenges. There are even many talented players who are passionate about this game and they will design their own custom levels to introduce to other players. This is how Geometry Dash Shred was released. With the self-design feature, Therealron created a unique path and introduced it on online websites.

Through the name of this version, you can see its theme. Dangerous machines will appear. Can your character become a powerful warrior machine to conquer others? Or will it fall victim to these dangers? You can prove it through your participation. In particular, this game is rated 6 stars. This is not game quality. It is the difficulty of the game. It scores 6 out of 15. It's an average number, but it's enough to challenge anyone playing online. Now, let's proceed to the official round of Geometry Dash Shred.

Geometry Dash Shred Official Game Round

Your official rounds will follow the general rules as you still control your character to conquer dangers. Nothing has changed from the Geometry Dash SubZero version in terms of gameplay and control. However, there will be outstanding features emphasized by this game.

Map With Shred Theme

The theme of this game is shred, machines of destruction. Coming to this theme, you will face more fearsome dangers when the roasters and saws appear from the early stages of the game. When you start off, you will immediately face a high wall. Behind that wall, you can see a lot of moving saws and they are waiting for you to come and conquer. Overcoming them is a challenge, but it's not the end. In the next stage of your map, obstacles like spikes, blocks, and wheels will combine to form a complex path. Navigating this route can take a lot of effort.

Through a few details, you can see some basic features of your official lap in this version. You won't have a practice mode to use the checkpoints, so get used to the Official mode right from the start. After that, let's take a look at the loot you can get in Geometry Dash Shred!

Geometry Dash Shred Loots

The most admirable achievement is always reaching the finish line and getting 3 stars for each level. You can try countless times until you succeed. After completing 100% of the level, you can see the stats on the main screen. In particular, a leaderboard will store your top 5 scores. This record will encourage players to conquer higher scores while training individual soft abilities. You can practice your reflexes and plan for yourself. The ability to observe and remember is also extremely necessary when participating in this online game. Good luck to succeed!

Game with other genre: BasketBros.